Beat Root Drum > FAQ > What is the difference between the 432 Hz tuning and the 440 Hz tuning?

What is the difference between the 432 Hz tuning and the 440 Hz tuning?

The 432 Hz frequency vibrates with human beings, Nature and the cosmos. The Hertz indicate the number of vibrations per second. In 1939, the 440 Hz frequency was uniformly set worldwide, as the musical standard. Most of the musical instruments are produced in 440 Hz but for example, the violin and the guitar can be easily tuned to 432 Hz.

What is the difference between musical instruments tuned to 432 Hz and those tuned to 440 Hz?

Music tuned to 432 Hz has a relaxing and soothing effect on human beings, it opens your heart and connects it to the earth and the sky. The musician vibrates with the universal sound and this vibration is conveyed to the audience thanks to their instrument tuned to 432 Hz. The inner ear vibrates in harmony with the natural frequency of 432 Hz.

The Multiscale Beat Root tongue drums are available in 432 Hz and 440 Hz, the latter being more adapted to play with other musicians whose instruments are tuned to 440 Hz, such as for the piano.

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