Beat Root Drum > FAQ > The tongue drum tuned to 440 Hz for playing with other musicians

The tongue drum tuned to 440 Hz for playing with other musicians

Many tongue drums are tuned to 432 Hz. Some amateurs consider this to be the ideal frequency. However, there are also great tongue drums tuned to 440 Hz. These are the ones to choose if you want to play with other musicians.

Why should you choose a tongue drum tuned to 440 Hz?

The main musical instruments are tuned to 440 Hz. This is the frequency generally used for music. It is a convention that allows instruments to resonate together to form an orchestra or a music band. If you want to play tongue drum with a guitar player or a pianist friend, you should choose a tongue drum tuned to 440 Hz.

Click here to discover our Multiscale tongue drum tuned to 440 Hz.

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