Beat Root Drum > Videos > Listen to relaxing music played with 2 tongue drums

Listen to relaxing music played with 2 tongue drums

This video is very special because it is the very first video that I made with two tongue drums which are in fact the prototypes of our brand made in 2013.

It is also a first composition of relaxing music for me with two tongue drums.

I remember that moment when I let my hands improvise some calming music on this new instrument, I listened to and played my own relaxing music, what a happiness!

I quickly found a sequence of notes that inspired me, so I was concentrated, relaxed and I started playing tongue drum again while trying to build a melody. After a few attempts I managed to compose and play this relaxing music.

Well, I've said enough, I'll let you listen! (this video has not been made in a very professional way, if you listen well you can even hear me breathing, sorry ... and I'm not talking about the video editing).

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