Beat Root Drum > FAQ > Origins of the hang drum, a melodic percussion made from steel

Origins of the hang drum, a melodic percussion made from steel

The hang drum is a recent instrument because it was created in Switzerland in 2000. However, the origins of this melodic percussion instrument made from steel go back much further, if we consider the ancient sources of inspiration of its two creators Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer. The Swiss couple still makes hang drums today in the workshop located on the bank of the Aar River.

Origins of the hang drum

The origins of the hang drum must be found in different cultures. In particular, there is a similarity with the steelpan drums from Trinidad and Tobago, which are both part of calypso and reggae music. There is also the ghatam, a clay pot-shaped instrument which comes from India and the south of the peninsula. As mentioned above, the hang drum was born in Switzerland. This instrument was created by two steelpan drum makers, Felix Rohrer et Sabrina Schärer, who imagined the now legendary design. The instrument name refers to the Swiss dialect word “hang”, which means “hand”.

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